PHCC Staff and Leadership
Our Pastor

Photo courtesy of Becci Hethcoat Photography
I have been the pastor of PHCC since we moved here in August of 1996. I hope as you read on that in the next few minutes you will have a better idea of who the Howingtons are. However, what will be even better is getting the opportunity to meet you face to face.
Charlene and I are both graduates of Moody Bible Institute. We were married in May of 1981 (The day after I graduated). We lived in Winona Lake, Indiana for 15 years while I attended Grace Theological Seminary. A year prior to graduation I became a staff member of Pleasant View Bible Church. I served in the roles of Youth Pastor and Associate Pastor from 1985-1996. (We can talk sometime about our penchant for churches with the name “Pleasant”). Each of our three children were born in Indiana.
We are in a new stage of life as our children are now all adults. All three of our children are
married and we have the privilege of being grandparents to six amazing grandchildren. We think our experience of raising a family gives us a unique perspective that we hope will be of value to younger parents. When we can we love to have the whole family together and yet we are adjusting well to being “empty nesters.” (Our experience has been that “empty nest” is more of a myth.)

Photo courtesy of Becci Hethcoat Photography

We are “connected” via Facebook, email, and texting. We enjoy all kinds of media and have a wide range of musical tastes. We are rediscovering riding bikes together, and have a variety of hobbies that include reading, cooking, woodworking, and golf (Okay I play at golf.)
As a Pastor I believe that my task is to understand and explain the Bible as it relates to living life in the 21st Century. Then I must model what I preach and teach. One of the benefits of our leading a small church is that we have the responsibility and privilege of knowing our congregation and them knowing us personally. So being a role model takes on a very different and personal perspective.
I am convinced that the Bible is the most relevant book any of us will ever read. The principles in God’s word are life principles that are timeless and culture-less. While our technology and our times have changed, the basic need of the human heart has not changed. My passion is that we each have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ which will bring meaning, significance, contentment and peace to life. My hope is that as we develop our relationship with Jesus as with one another that we can make a positive impact in this world for Him.
If you are looking for a home church, please stop by and be our guest. We would enjoy talking with you and sharing with you over a cup of coffee our heart for ministry at Pleasant Hill Community Church and in this community. Thanks again for stopping by.
(Pastor Howington holds a Master of Divinity and a Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling from Grace Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministries from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.)
PHCC Elders
Providing spiritual oversight and leadership
to the overall church body.
Bill Dvorak
Joe Fick
Pastor Scott
PHCC Deacons
Overseeing the care of those with physical or financial needs,
in the church body and beyond.
Dawn Mungovan
Rebecca O’Leary
Jon Hogan
Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. Galatians 6:10