Feb 28, 2021
Discipleship Standards (Luke 6:27-49)
Series: Luke: Good News for Everyone
In Luke's account of the “Sermon on the level place,” we find four key themes that should be standards for following Jesus. Choose to love our enemies. Look at our own faults before pointing out the faults of others. Let the our words and our works reflect the presence of Jesus in our lives. Live a life of obedience to the clear teaching of Jesus. These standards for living that Jesus presented nearly 2000 years ago still give us a template for living in the 21st Century.
- Feb 28, 2021Discipleship Standards (Luke 6:27-49)
Feb 28, 2021Discipleship Standards (Luke 6:27-49)Series: Luke: Good News for EveryoneIn Luke's account of the “Sermon on the level place,” we find four key themes that should be standards for following Jesus. Choose to love our enemies. Look at our own faults before pointing out the faults of others. Let the our words and our works reflect the presence of Jesus in our lives. Live a life of obedience to the clear teaching of Jesus. These standards for living that Jesus presented nearly 2000 years ago still give us a template for living in the 21st Century.
- Feb 21, 2021Readjusting our Values (Luke 6:12-26)
Feb 21, 2021Readjusting our Values (Luke 6:12-26)Series: Luke: Good News for EveryoneThe methods of Jesus, the teaching of Jesus and the call to commitment from Jesus are all different from what was conventional. In Luke’s sermon on the plain that we have here, we find a familiar ring to Matthew’s sermon on the mount and yet also some unique challenges. The bottom line is that the call of Jesus is inclusive in its scope and exclusive in its commitment
- Feb 14, 2021A New Way (Luke 5:17-38)
Feb 14, 2021A New Way (Luke 5:17-38)Series: Luke: Good News for EveryoneThe methods of Jesus, the teaching of Jesus and the call to commitment from Jesus are all different from what was conventional. In these three familiar stories we discover that Jesus calls us to a new way of thinking. His teaching will not fit conventional ways of thinking. Listen to Pastor Scott's sermon, "A New Way" from Luke 5:17-38 by clicking on the link below.
- Feb 7, 2021A Composite Sketch Luke 4:31-5:10
Feb 7, 2021A Composite Sketch Luke 4:31-5:10Series: Luke: Good News for EveryoneA composite sketch is the result of several eye witnesses describing features of a person. Luke’s description of the early ministry of Jesus comes from a variety of sources and ultimately guided by the Holy Spirit. The result is somewhat of a composite sketch. But it is more than a portrait. In seeing how Jesus taught and ministered to people, we are left with a very important challenge that should be at the heart of our relationship with the Son of God.
- Jan 31, 2021Sometimes You Can’t Go Home (Luke 4:14-30)
Jan 31, 2021Sometimes You Can’t Go Home (Luke 4:14-30)Series: Luke: Good News for EveryoneJesus went “home” to Nazareth. He was initially accepted as a leader and teacher. But his message did not fit the narrative that they had all believed. They did not want a Messiah for all, just for them and when all was said and done, they ran him out of town. We have no indication that he ever returned. How do we respond when the message of Jesus is a bit different than what we have imagined?
- Jan 24, 2021Jesus Understands (Luke 3:21-23; 4:1-13)
Jan 24, 2021Jesus Understands (Luke 3:21-23; 4:1-13)Series: Luke: Good News for EveryoneJesus begins his public ministry at the age of 30. He is baptized not because of his sins, but in a step of showing that he is orienting his life in obedience to the Father. Luke shows how Jesus is truly the son of God in his lineage. Following this is the temptation in which we see Jesus using the Scriptures to fight off the misuse of the Scriptures by the Devil. We will discover in this passage the importance of making sure we follow God and not the tempting shortcuts of the enemy.
- Jan 17, 2021Preparing the Way Luke 3:1-20
Jan 17, 2021Preparing the Way Luke 3:1-20Series: Luke: Good News for EveryoneWhat does it look like to live a godly life? What are practical ways to show people that I have reoriented my life and my thinking to put God first. One of the most enigmatic characters in the Bible is John the Baptist. There was something about him that drew people to him. His message was clear and simple. His advice practical. His awareness of the scope and focus of his mission undeniable. We can learn much from this unique servant of God.
- Jan 10, 2021Like Us…But Different (Luke 2:39-52)
Jan 10, 2021Like Us…But Different (Luke 2:39-52)Series: Luke: Good News for EveryoneWe have very little knowledge of what Jesus was like as a child. Some have tried to come up with descriptions, but they are speculative at best. Luke gives us one story and several descriptions of the young Jesus. We also discover that in many ways he was just like us in his growth and development; all the way to being obedient to his parents. Yet he was different in that he understood there was a higher call on his life.
- Jan 3, 2021God’s Faithful Plan (Luke 1:57-80)
Jan 3, 2021God’s Faithful Plan (Luke 1:57-80)Series: Luke: Good News for EveryoneWhat would be the first words out of your mouth if you had been rendered speechless for almost a year? We encounter just such a person in Luke 1. Zechariah the priest was rendered speechless until his son John would be born. When his ability to speak returned it was a shock to everyone. But what he said was truly inspired and gave all a glimpse of the plan of God that had been unfolding for centuries.
- Dec 27, 2020God Knows (Luke 1:1-25)
Dec 27, 2020God Knows (Luke 1:1-25)Series: Luke: Good News for EveryoneAfter a year of canceled plans, dashed hopes, and diminished dreams, upon whom can we
rely? We know we can rely on God. And yet we sometimes wonder; does God
really know who I am or even where I am? The story of Zechariah and Elizabeth
give us some answers - Dec 20, 2020Finding Love in Our Differences – 1 John 4:7-21
Dec 20, 2020Finding Love in Our Differences – 1 John 4:7-21Love that is truly love is a unifying force. When we really love someone we are able to see their best qualities and we are able to accept their differences. When we truly love someone we initiate acts of kindness, we don’t count the cost in helping them, we are safe in the relationship, and we look for ways to bridge our gaps. God is love. God so loved that He sent His Son. The real Christmas story is about love.
- Dec 13, 2020Finding Joy in our Discouragements (Luke 1)
Dec 13, 2020Finding Joy in our Discouragements (Luke 1)Joy is not a word that we have heard uttered much over the past year. And yet in the midst of difficulties and struggles those who follow Jesus can have a sense of joy. In our passages today we meet two very familiar women. Each with much to be concerned about, but each aware that God had chosen them to participate in His plan in a very special way. In what should have been a time of discouragement they found joy and so can we.
- Dec 6, 2020Peace in the Middle of Our Struggles (Luke 2:8-20)
Dec 6, 2020Peace in the Middle of Our Struggles (Luke 2:8-20)We see it all around. The word peace appears on cards, in Christmas displays, and even in store displays during this season. We all want peace. We desire peace. The angels declared God’s peace to those who were favored by God. But what does that mean? How can one have peace with God? We will learn what the shepherds learned 2000 years ago. Peace is a person. Jesus is the source of peace.
- Nov 29, 2020Hope in Uncertain Times: Luke 2:22-38
Nov 29, 2020Hope in Uncertain Times: Luke 2:22-38Hope. It is often a word we use as a synonym for “wish.” But hope in the Bible is not used as a wish, it is a certainty that is yet to be fully realized. Hope in the Bible is based on God’s promises. We will see two individuals today who lived in hope day in and day out and were not disappointed. They saw with their own eyes what God had promised. Their story and their hope can encourage us. Howington. Released: 2020.
- Nov 22, 2020A Lament When One is Down – Psalm 142
Nov 22, 2020A Lament When One is Down – Psalm 142Series: The Prayer Language of LamentA cave is typically dark, damp, and lonely. For most people caves are intriguing from a distance. People also face “caves” in life. We at times find ourselves in dark, lonely places in our soul. David did. We find a poignant cry to God in Psalm 142 that apparently was uttered when David was in the cave. We find a reminder that in our darkest moments, the hope that God is there can be enough.