Dec 19, 2021
What’s in a Name? Prince of Peace
Series: What's In a Name?

- Dec 19, 2021What’s in a Name? Prince of Peace
Dec 19, 2021What’s in a Name? Prince of PeaceSeries: What's In a Name?
We hear a great deal about peace during this time of year. However, peace seems allusive. It has to be more than feeling good or having lots of stuff. Peace is truly a matter of the heart. In our passage we will consider the fourth description of the one to come, Prince of Peace. We will discover that life changing peace is found only in a faith relationship with Jesus Christ.
- Dec 12, 2021Everlasting Father
Dec 12, 2021Everlasting FatherSeries: What's In a Name?
Think for a minute of all the qualities one considers when Then take your portrait of the perfect father and multiply it by 100. Now you are beginning to understand the greatness of our God. When you add to it, that he is beyond the boundaries of time, you start to get a glimpse of what Isaiah was trying to describe. We will explore the depth of Everlasting Father today.
- Dec 5, 2021Mighty God Isaiah 9:6
Dec 5, 2021Mighty God Isaiah 9:6Series: What's In a Name?
If there is one thing that is certain about life, it is that there is nothing certain. Life is full of variables and unknowns. We have been faced with uncertainty in the past two years in ways we never imagined. To whom do we turn when things are unstable? As we look at this second description of the Messiah we discover that Jesus, the God-man is the only one upon whom we can depend when nothing else makes sense.
- Nov 28, 2021Wonderful Counselor
Nov 28, 2021Wonderful CounselorSeries: What's In a Name?
Names are important. Our name becomes our identity. As we grow and develop our name can be associated with our reputation. We can think of the name of someone we knew in the past and we still feel emotions from that relationship. In a very familiar “Christmas” passage we discover four names or characteristics of the one to come. We will learn much about the deity and humanity of the one born in Bethlehem, Jesus Christ.
- Nov 21, 2021Portrait of a Dynamic Duo
Nov 21, 2021Portrait of a Dynamic Duo
There are some couples who just stand out. Sometimes we call them power couples and other times dynamic duos. But the point is they work together, they have influence, and their marriage is a true partnership. We will look at what we can glean from such a couple beginning in the book of Acts. One thing we will discover, is that the focus of this couple was always on advancing the good news of Jesus Christ.
- Nov 14, 2021Portrait of an Encourager: Barnabas
Nov 14, 2021Portrait of an Encourager: Barnabas
Think of a time in which someone said or did something for you that was deeply encouraging. Many of us can recall the time, the circumstances, and the exact words that were spoken or deed that was done. Often we find ourselves welling up with emotion. As followers of Jesus we are all called to be encouragers and God in His grace gives us an example in Barnabas. May we each strive to follow his example.
- Nov 7, 2021A Healthy Faith Community (Reflections in Acts)
Nov 7, 2021A Healthy Faith Community (Reflections in Acts)
What can we learn from the principles we have seen in Acts? How can we apply them? As we come to the conclusion of this brief study we will look at a summary of our eight principles condensed into four purpose statements. All which may give us a better picture of what a healthy local church and faith community can look like. We can be that community.
- Oct 31, 2021Endure the heat of Persecution
Oct 31, 2021Endure the heat of Persecution
Persecution is real. Persecution is painful. Persecution transforms us. We don’t like to think about persecution but it is something that we may all face. We each need one another in community to endure any level of persecution that may come our way. We learn to trust God more through persecutions. Bear in mind that our persecutor may be the agent of the trial, but they are not the source. When we suffer for our faith we need to remember that God is still in control.
- Oct 24, 2021Put the Servant into Servant Leadership (Acts 6:1-7)
Oct 24, 2021Put the Servant into Servant Leadership (Acts 6:1-7)
Leadership is important. Jesus, reminded his disciples that the best leaders were servants first, and he modeled that. In the book of Acts we see the apostles exercising servant leadership and choosing those who also showed that they were servant leaders. Even those who do not consider themselves leaders should still exercise the qualities of servant leadership in their daily lives.
- Oct 17, 2021The Unifying Power of Generosity (Acts 4:32-5:11)
Oct 17, 2021The Unifying Power of Generosity (Acts 4:32-5:11)
Generous people are not necessarily wealthy. Generous people tend to understand the temporary nature of things. Generous people understand that generosity extends beyond stuff. Generous people see others through the eyes of Christ. Generous people are most often, gracious, humble, and empathetic. There is a unifying power in generosity.
- Oct 10, 2021Embrace the Strength of a Faith Community
Oct 10, 2021Embrace the Strength of a Faith Community
Community. In community we can feel safe. In community we feel we belong. In community we feel we have a support network. From the very beginning, the Church has realized the strength of community. As followers of Jesus we have been invited to join and embrace the strength of the faith community.
- Oct 3, 2021Stick to the Core Message of Jesus
Oct 3, 2021Stick to the Core Message of Jesus
So often we hear of organizations working on their branding and messaging. One of the realities of the early movement of the followers of Jesus, that became the church, is that they all knew and were deeply committed to the core message of Jesus. One could say their branding was as clear as it was simple. Sometimes the simplest message is still the most effective.
- Sep 26, 2021Following Our Guide The Holy Spirit
Sep 26, 2021Following Our Guide The Holy Spirit
From the beginning of the book of Acts we discover that Jesus did not leave his followers alone. He promised to send the Holy Spirit and he did. The Holy Spirit guides us, empowers us, and helps us to do God’s work right now. The key is that we need to pay attention and wait as the Holy Spirit’s timing is always perfect. We will discover the importance of living life in the Spirit this morning.
- Sep 19, 2021Prayer: Our main line of communication (Part 2)
Sep 19, 2021Prayer: Our main line of communication (Part 2)
We continue our focus on prayer this week. We will look at several different aspects of what it looks like to make prayer a core reality in our lives both individually and as a corporate entity. Our prayer for this part of our Acts series is that each one would seek to make a small step of growth in their prayer relationship with the triune God.
- Sep 12, 2021Prayer: Our main line of communication
Sep 12, 2021Prayer: Our main line of communication
It is easy to say that prayer is important. However, we each need to think long and hard and determine if our prayer activity, matches our prayer declarations. Prayer is a vital necessity for the life of any church. It is not just an individual necessity, it is a corporate necessity. We need to be praying people. We need to be a praying church. How will we make that happen?