May 31, 2020
Evaluating Our Priorities (Philippians 3:1-11)
Series: Lessons in Philippians

- May 31, 2020Evaluating Our Priorities (Philippians 3:1-11)
May 31, 2020Evaluating Our Priorities (Philippians 3:1-11)Series: Lessons in Philippians
Many of us have this desire to know our ancestry. Part of that is a curiosity to know our background and part of that is sometimes a desire to be related to someone famous. As interesting as it is to know where we come from or what our DNA test tells us about our background, we need to be careful to not make our pedigree some kind of idol. We will learn today that in light of Christ we all need to rethink our priorities.
- May 24, 2020Two Really Good Guys (Philippians 2:19-30)
May 24, 2020Two Really Good Guys (Philippians 2:19-30)Series: Lessons in Philippians
We each have people who have been and may even continue to be role models for us. Role models don’t go out and apply for the job. They just become, due to their faithfulness, their integrity, their grit, and their positive influence in the lives of those who follow them. In our passage today we learn about two guys that Paul put forth as role models for living in a manner worthy of the gospel.
- May 17, 2020Making A Difference (Philippians 2:12-18)
May 17, 2020Making A Difference (Philippians 2:12-18)Series: Lessons in Philippians
We are very good about making life about us. There is an old adage that there is no “I” in Team. To which someone quipped, but there is a “me.” When we follow Jesus, it is about him. When we look at all we have in Christ, that we did not earn, we begin to understand that when life is not about me, but about us that there is unity that both encourages and strengthens us all as followers of Jesus.
- May 10, 2020It’s Not About Me (Philippians 2:1-11)
May 10, 2020It’s Not About Me (Philippians 2:1-11)Series: Lessons in Philippians
We are very good about making life about us. There is an old adage that there is no “I” in Team. To which someone quipped, but there is a “me.” When we follow Jesus, it is about him. When we look at all we have in Christ, that we did not earn, we begin to understand that when life is not about me, but about us that there is unity that both encourages and strengthens us all as followers of Jesus.
- May 3, 2020Worthy of the Gospel (Philippians 1:19-30)
May 3, 2020Worthy of the Gospel (Philippians 1:19-30)Series: Lessons in Philippians
What does it mean to live a life worthy of the Gospel? To answer that question we will need to understand the concept of Gospel as more than just the good news of Jesus, but as that news which empowers us for daily living. We will need to understand the fact that Gospel is not always a life of ease and comfort and is sometimes trials.
- Apr 26, 2020Something Bigger in Mind (Philippians 1:12-19)
Apr 26, 2020Something Bigger in Mind (Philippians 1:12-19)Series: Lessons in Philippians
It is easy at times to simply focus on our circumstances and miss the fact that God, who is always at work, typically has something bigger in mind. It is when we can take a step back from what we are facing that we may get a glimpse of what God is doing. The Apostle Paul does this in our passage today and as a result can remind the Philippian church that when our unfortunate circumstances serve to advance the Gospel of Jesus, it is a far greater thing than we often realize.
- Apr 19, 2020Partners in God’s Work (Philippians 1:1-11)
Apr 19, 2020Partners in God’s Work (Philippians 1:1-11)Series: Lessons in Philippians
Philippians is a letter written to a young church from an imprisoned Apostle Paul. He knows what it is like to be bound up inside, as he was in prison in his own house for about two years. We will discover in this book, that while he views his imprisonment from the standpoint of reality, he also has the long view in mind. It is in the long view of our struggles that we can discover the power of real joy. It is about God, not me.
- Apr 12, 2020Journey to Resurrection: Jesus Restores (John 21)
Apr 12, 2020Journey to Resurrection: Jesus Restores (John 21)Series: Journey to Resurrection
It may be hard to think about on a day like today, but take time to recall when you have failed someone. To this day it hurts. To this day it stirs emotions you thought had long since been dealt with. But if that person was a true friend, if they really loved you, you can also recall the relief when they offered forgiveness. And if that relationship has been restored, you know the depth of that joy. Today we look at one who failed and was forgiven and restored. A risen Lord Jesus forgives and restores and we are all beneficiaries.
- Apr 5, 2020Jesus Prays (John 17)
Apr 5, 2020Jesus Prays (John 17)Series: Journey to Resurrection
We get a unique glimpse into the heart of Jesus as we read and consider his prayer in John 17. It is the longest recorded prayer of Jesus. We will examine this “stop” on our Journey to Resurrection and learn from our Lord. How can you and I have a similar focus, especially in times that are uncertain?
- Apr 5, 2020Jesus Prays (John 17)
Apr 5, 2020Jesus Prays (John 17)Series: Journey to Resurrection
We get a unique glimpse into the heart of Jesus as we read and consider his prayer in John 17. It is the longest recorded prayer of Jesus. We will examine this “stop” on our Journey to Resurrection and learn from our Lord. How can you and I have a similar focus, especially in times that are uncertain?
- Mar 29, 2020Jesus Comforts (John 14)
Mar 29, 2020Jesus Comforts (John 14)
It seems that now more than ever we need comfort. Not as an idol to worship but as a balm for our anxiety. One week into “sheltering in place” and it is beginning to lose its sense of adventure. In John 14 the followers of Jesus are about to experience a new reality. Their lives are going to be turned upside down and nothing will be the same again. They needed words of comfort then, just as we do today, and Jesus delivers.
- Mar 22, 2020Journey to Resurrection: Jesus Serves (John 13)
Mar 22, 2020Journey to Resurrection: Jesus Serves (John 13)Series: Journey to Resurrection
In a day of uncertainty, and fear, and shifting realities, we come to a passage that shows how Jesus faced the most difficult days of his life on earth. When one would expect him to be inwardly focused, he served. When one would not blame him for being sullen, he modeled truth. When one would expect him to be longing for attention, he commanded them to love. And he tells us that we are to follow his example. How will we follow Jesus?
- Mar 15, 2020Jesus Cares (John 11)
Mar 15, 2020Jesus Cares (John 11)Series: Journey to Resurrection
In a very familiar story we find Jesus caring about the plight of some of his dearest friends. But we also learn that his care goes far beyond the physical and the immediate. While he does perform the most amazing miracle of his earthly ministry, the real lesson comes back to the depth of the faith of any who follow Jesus. More than amazing things, Jesus wants each of us to see and grasp the glory of God.
- Mar 8, 2020Contentment is the Key (Exodus 20:17)
Mar 8, 2020Contentment is the Key (Exodus 20:17)
“I wish I had….” “I wish I could make…” “I wish someone would give me…” These are all statements that could reflect discontent and could lead to coveting. God wants his people to be people who depend on Him to meet their needs and to be content with His provision. The problem with wanting something so badly that it becomes an obsession is that I end up making that person, that desire, that goal, that object a substitute for God and His sufficiency. Learning contentment is the key.
- Mar 1, 2020More than just not lying (Exodus 20:16)
Mar 1, 2020More than just not lying (Exodus 20:16)
All to often we reduce the ninth commandment to a simple statement of “Don’t lie.” Granted that is part of this commandment, but it goes beyond just being honest. As we examine this commandment we will learn its breadth and its depth. It speaks to the very character of who we are to be and it reminds us of the importance of loving our neighbor as ourselves, in each circumstance.