Sep 10, 2018
It Doesn’t Make Sense…or Does it?
Series: Christian Urban Legends

- Sep 10, 2018It Doesn’t Make Sense…or Does it?
Sep 10, 2018It Doesn’t Make Sense…or Does it?Series: Christian Urban Legends
We search for meaning in a lot of places. We spend money trying to stave off the aging process. We amass wealth, and property, and grown up "toys" yet still as a culture we are not happy. We look to have greater influence and power and yet nothing really changes. What is the point? That is life "under the sun" without God.
- Sep 9, 2018It Doesn’t Make Sense…or Does it?
Sep 9, 2018It Doesn’t Make Sense…or Does it?Series: Chasing the Wind: Ecclesiastes
We search for meaning in a lot of places. We spend money trying to stave off the aging process. We amass wealth, and property, and grown up "toys" yet still as a culture we are not happy. We look to have greater influence and power and yet nothing really changes. What is the point? That is life "under the sun" without God.
- Sep 2, 2018God just wants me to be happy, right?
Sep 2, 2018God just wants me to be happy, right?Series: Christian Urban Legends
As we look at this last of our Christian Urban Legends it provides us an entry into our series in Ecclesiastes. Is my happiness really a priority to God? The answer to that question may surprise you. We will look at the concept of terms like happy, blessed, and joy in the Bible and in so doing discover God’s recipe for true happiness
- Aug 26, 2018Got Questions?
Aug 26, 2018Got Questions?Series: Christian Urban Legends
Over the past few weeks we have been collecting questions from our congregation. These have focused on matters in Scripture that have either been unclear or that have been unfortunately twisted into Christian Urban Myths. Today Pastor Scott will address those questions and seek to provide a Bible centered framework for thinking.
- Aug 12, 2018If I give 10% will God make me wealthy, right?
Aug 12, 2018If I give 10% will God make me wealthy, right?Series: Christian Urban Legends
Some people look at God as an investment plan. They donate a percentage of income and God gives a return on their investment. But why is that not the case for every person? Where in the Bible are we commanded to tithe? What is God’s standard for giving? What does God promise me when I give? We will try to unravel this Christian Urban Legend.
- Aug 5, 2018“If I Have Faith I can do anything…right?”
Aug 5, 2018“If I Have Faith I can do anything…right?”Series: Christian Urban Legends
Sometimes it seems people treat faith as a magic wand. We just wave it and God answers. Other times it can be used as a club to make God do what we want. So what is faith and how do we exercise it? We must be careful to trust God and not demand of God. How do I apply the passages regarding moving mountains and asking what we want from God?
- Jul 29, 2018Does the Bible Teach that I must Forgive and Forget?
Jul 29, 2018Does the Bible Teach that I must Forgive and Forget?Series: Christian Urban Legends
C.S. Lewis wrote: “Everyone says forgiveness is a lovely idea, until they have something to forgive...” (Mere Christianity p. 104). When we add to that reminder the idea that we must forgive and forget if we are to be Christlike, then forgiveness seems almost impossible. It is important to understand what forgiveness is, what it is not, and how to apply it. Then we can correct the false notion that we are to forgive and forget.
- Jul 22, 2018Everything Happens for A Reason…or does it? (Jeremiah 29:11; Romans 8:28)
Jul 22, 2018Everything Happens for A Reason…or does it? (Jeremiah 29:11; Romans 8:28)Series: Christian Urban Legends
Does God manipulate situations and circumstances? Did God cause me to get sick and lose my job? Is it possible that some things just happen? As we think through the common statement “Everything happens for a reason” we have questions. For the Christ Follower they are questions about the sovereignty of God. We don’t know the mind of God but we have the Word of God for guidance.
- Jul 15, 2018Do Everything In Love (1 Cor 16:13-14)
Jul 15, 2018Do Everything In Love (1 Cor 16:13-14)
As the Apostle Paul wraps up his letter to the Corinthian church it seems that v. 14 stands out as the key reality. It is love that will compel the church to be generous, love that will guide them to listen to and follow leadership, and love that will truly refresh others. Ultimately, it is love that will unite this church if they so choose.
- Jul 8, 2018Eternal Makeover (1 Cor 15:35-58)
Jul 8, 2018Eternal Makeover (1 Cor 15:35-58)
In some way, shape or form, we will each be changed. Our bodies that we have now are designed for this world. God will give us new bodies. Therefore, we do not need to fear the future or worry about physical death. Knowing what is coming should free us to serve fully right now.
- Jul 1, 2018Why Resurrection matters; even when it isn’t Easter
Jul 1, 2018Why Resurrection matters; even when it isn’t Easter
Resurrection is important to anyone who follows Jesus. Resurrection is important to the whole of the Christian faith. The resurrection of Jesus, proves our faith. The resurrection of Jesus gives us hope. The resurrection of Jesus holds us accountable for how we live as we will one day see him face to face. The fact is you and I need resurrection.
- Jun 17, 2018“A More Excellent Way” (1 Cor, 12:31b-13:13)
Jun 17, 2018“A More Excellent Way” (1 Cor, 12:31b-13:13)
It is not always what someone does that makes an impact, but it is also the deep inner motivation that drives the act. If you have ever been upset that an act of kindness was not equally reciprocated, check your motive. If you have ever hoped that someone would notice your service in the church, check your motive. We learn today that the purest motive for the Christ follower is a God centered love.
- Jun 10, 2018Many yet One (1 Cor. 12:12-31a)
Jun 10, 2018Many yet One (1 Cor. 12:12-31a)
In an extended metaphor using the unique make-up of the human body the Apostle Paul makes the point that the local gathering of those who follow Christ should operate in the same way. Each individual part making its contribution to the good of the whole. Every person in a local church is important, and contributes to the health of the whole.
- Jun 3, 2018“What’d ya get?” (1 Cor. 12:1-11)
Jun 3, 2018“What’d ya get?” (1 Cor. 12:1-11)
God can use anyone. When we come into a faith relationship with Jesus, the Holy Spirit enables each person to uniquely use their abilities to enhance the local church, the body of Christ. There was some confusion about this aspect of life in the Corinthian church and in many ways that hasn’t changed. We will seek to get a basic understanding of the scope and purpose of spiritual gifts today.
- May 27, 2018Course Correction (1 Cor. 11:17-34)
May 27, 2018Course Correction (1 Cor. 11:17-34)
Have you ever felt left out? Have you ever experienced a time in which you knew that you were excluded due to your own social and economic status? While that reality exists in many places, it should never be experienced when we gather as a body of Christ followers. In Corinth, there was not level ground in the partaking of the Lord’s Supper and that needed serious correction.