- Aug 21, 2016Making It Personal
Aug 21, 2016Making It PersonalSeries: Living in God's Household
After almost 8 months and 29 sermons we come to the end of this journey through the Pastoral Epistles. In the final words of 2 Timothy we find the Apostle Paul expressing himself in very personal terms. We see loneliness and despair, mixed with hope and an awareness of God's presence. It seems that we can each relate to that emotional tension. Like Paul it is best to cling to God when nothing else makes sense.
- Aug 14, 2016Final Words (2 Tim. 4:1-8)
Aug 14, 2016Final Words (2 Tim. 4:1-8)Series: Living in God's Household
In the final chapter of 2 Timothy, there is a sense of both urgency and confidence in Paul’s words . It is the stuff of a commanding officer to his soldiers before a decisive battle. It is the power of a coach rallying his team at half time. It is a father expressing his confidence and love as his son strikes out on his own. In these final words of Paul to Timothy there are some important lessons for each of us.
- Aug 7, 2016Go with what you know (2 Tim 3:10-17)
Aug 7, 2016Go with what you know (2 Tim 3:10-17)Series: Living in God's Household
Sometimes new is not always better. Sometimes, it is important to remember the lessons we have learned and stick with them as we go through life. In this passage the Apostle Paul reminds Timothy to remember what he has observed, continue in what he already knows, and stay true to the knowledge from Scripture he already has. In this he will be useful, successful, and equipped to serve where God places him.
- Jul 31, 2016Navigating Cultural Whitewater (2 Tim 3:1-9)
Jul 31, 2016Navigating Cultural Whitewater (2 Tim 3:1-9)Series: Living in God's Household
At what point in the history of our world after Genesis 3 have things been perfect? We live in a fallen world that is increasingly moving away from the cross both in time and in attitude. It should not surprise us. We look at a depressing list in the Bible today and our first response should be to look in the mirror of our own soul and make sure we are following Jesus and not the drift of the world in which we live.
- Jul 24, 2016Majoring on the Majors (2 Tim 2:14-26)
Jul 24, 2016Majoring on the Majors (2 Tim 2:14-26)Series: Living in God's Household
Sometimes we have a tendency to emphasize issues that are not really emphasized in God’s Word. Sometimes we think if we just have the right data and the best delivery that we can argue a person into believing in Jesus. Today we learn that God wants us to pay attention to basic truth, live a life that reflects him and be respectful and gentle with everyone. Quite frankly, that is a very relieving prospect.
- Jul 17, 2016Loyal, Focused and Faithful
Jul 17, 2016Loyal, Focused and FaithfulSeries: Living in God's Household
How do you want to be remembered? In our passage today we have two men who are mentioned one time in the Bible. They deserted the Apostle Paul in his hour of need. That is not a good legacy to leave. As we read this 2000 year old letter we learn that loyalty and faithfulness are age old characteristics that are still as important today as they were in the First Century. Can God count on you? Can your family and friends count on you? Where will you be when the going gets really hard?
- Jul 10, 2016Stoke the Fire (2 Tim. 1:6-14)
Jul 10, 2016Stoke the Fire (2 Tim. 1:6-14)Series: Living in God's Household
Some of us know the old adage “use it or lose it.” So we scramble to use up vacation days, or money in a special fund, before those things disappear. While we may not lose a spiritual gift, it is still true that if we do not exercise our spiritual gifts they could go dormant for a time. In his final words to his protégé Timothy, Paul encourages him to not just use his gifts but to stoke the fire of his spirit and use them boldly. Are you and I boldly using what God has given us?
". - Jul 5, 2016The Power of Heritage (2 Timothy 1:1-5)
Jul 5, 2016The Power of Heritage (2 Timothy 1:1-5)Series: Living in God's Household
As we commemorate the signing of the Declaration of Independence 240 years ago, it is a good time to reflect on our heritage. Some of us celebrate the famous people in our lineage. Others of us are chagrined to know there were unsavory types climbing around our family tree. Still others, aren’t too sure of our lineage much beyond our great-grand parents. But we all have a spiritual heritage if we follow Jesus and the power of that heritage is great and should be reason to rejoice.
- Jun 26, 2016The Main Thing (Titus 3:9-15)
Jun 26, 2016The Main Thing (Titus 3:9-15)Series: Living in God's Household
Some people love to debate just for the sake of having something to debate about. At times it can be entertaining, and yet it can also become rather irritating. In the Household of God we need to be very careful that we are focusing on the things that matter to God and not on debating issues that may divide us. One of the key ways to be united is to bring our focus back to the main thing. In this passage the main thing is doing good in our community in a way that draws the attention of others to Jesus.
- Jun 19, 2016Balancing Mercy and Works (Titus 3:1-8)
Jun 19, 2016Balancing Mercy and Works (Titus 3:1-8)Series: Living in God's Household
We live in a time when many people speak about “giving back” or “paying it forward.” The emphasis on helping others and making a difference is good. In fact those who claim to follow Christ should be the leaders in these efforts. However, there is often a difference in motives. Some feel that giving back may put them in good stead with God. Others feel that giving back shows that only humanity will “save” itself. What we will learn today is that those who trust Jesus by faith are redeemed so that in one sense we can make an eternal difference right now.
- Jun 12, 2016Don’t Blow Away but Stand Firm (Psalm 1)
Jun 12, 2016Don’t Blow Away but Stand Firm (Psalm 1)By: Ethan Reynolds
What is your foundation in life? What grounds you in the midst of difficult times? In this very familiar passage we are reminded that there is only one foundation that provides stability and security. It is the Word of God. The psalmist paints a very vivid word picture that leaves the reader with the stark reminder that in God’s eyes we have no middle ground, we either stand firm in his Word or we dry up and blow away.
- Jun 5, 2016Making the Gospel Attractive (Titus 2:9-15)
Jun 5, 2016Making the Gospel Attractive (Titus 2:9-15)Series: Living in God's Household
tractive (adj) pleasing, arousing interest or engaging one’s thought, consideration, etc. (Webster Dictionary). In our passage today we will take stock of the way we present the gospel by our actions. Does the way I interact within my own culture make the good news of Jesus attractive? Do others want to know what I believe by the way I conduct myself? If not, what do I need to change? Am I ready to respond to them when they ask me what I believe and why?
- May 29, 2016The Power of “Family” Titus 2:1-8
May 29, 2016The Power of “Family” Titus 2:1-8Series: Living in God's Household
Consider the term “church family.” What does it mean to you? How is this local church your family? In the first century where people gathered in homes it was much easier to get a concept of church family, or more accurately a household. Those gatherings were intergenerational and made up of people who really cared for the welfare of all in their midst. As we look at a model for church today, consider your part in a church family.
- May 22, 2016Consistency in an Inconsistent World
May 22, 2016Consistency in an Inconsistent WorldSeries: Living in God's Household
Between news media, entertainment media, and social media, we can get pulled in many different directions. Just as the sailors of old we need our own “North Star” a fixed point that is reliable. In our passage today we find that developing Godly character is the solution to spiritual posing and empty religion.
- May 15, 2016Accepting My Role Titus 1:1-4
May 15, 2016Accepting My Role Titus 1:1-4Series: Living in God's Household
Take a little self test. Choose four words to describe yourself, and write them down. It doesn’t have to be list. It can be a brief statement, or phrase. But it can only be four words. Three is too brief, and five is too long. Just four words. It's not easy. In the passage at hand we will discover that a simple four word description with the correct focus can be a life changing difference maker.