Jun 11, 2023
Living Sacrifices (Romans 12:1-2)

- Jun 11, 2023Living Sacrifices (Romans 12:1-2)
Jun 11, 2023Living Sacrifices (Romans 12:1-2)
How we respond practically to God's Mercy and Grace and Love is the theme of Romans 12-16. Today we begin to answer the fifth and final question in the book of Romans: "How should a follower of Jesus conduct themselves in this world?" We will learn in today's passage that it begins with a choice deep within the soul of each person to allow God to do a transforming work. And we will discover it is a constant process.
- Jun 4, 2023A Sovereign God Who is Merciful (Romans 11)
Jun 4, 2023A Sovereign God Who is Merciful (Romans 11)
In a survey of a lengthy chapter that deals with the interplay between God's people Israel and all who are not of Israel but still follow God we find the theme of mercy woven throughout the chapter. God's mercy accepts, and comes without conditions. It is available to all and a reason for great praise.
- May 28, 2023A Sovereign God who is Accessible (Romans 10)
May 28, 2023A Sovereign God who is Accessible (Romans 10)
Sometimes we can think that God is aloof, or at least inaccessible. When we talk about God being holy, righteous, and sovereign, it makes us feel that he is out of reach. What we will learn today is that throughout history God has actually made himself readily accessible to those who pursue him. And he still is.
- May 21, 2023God’s Sovereignty and My Choices (Romans 9)
May 21, 2023God’s Sovereignty and My Choices (Romans 9)
When it comes to God’s work in our world we need to guard against thinking that since God is in control what we do does not matter. The fact is that God does hold us each accountable for our choices, especially regarding our relationship with Him. However, God does have a plan and He will carry it out. We are each invited to be part of His plan, and he is pleased when we accept the
invitation. - May 14, 2023The Power of God’s Love (Romans 8:31-39)
May 14, 2023The Power of God’s Love (Romans 8:31-39)
We often think of a mother's love as one of the most powerful forces. In one of the most familiar passages in the book of Romans, Paul reminds us that there is nothing on earth, heaven, or all the universe that can separate us from God's love. We each need this assurance each day and especially when life gets hard.
- May 7, 2023The Best Is Yet To Come (Romans 8:18-30)
May 7, 2023The Best Is Yet To Come (Romans 8:18-30)
When we look at our world strictly from a human perspective it is very easy to lose hope. Even the human interest stories that seem to wrap up the evening news, make us feel good for a moment but don't make a permanent difference in our mixed-up world. However, in the constant abiding presence of our God, we are assured that He has a plan that works in spite of all we wrestle with. God's goal is that we each be conformed to the likeness of Jesus.
- Apr 30, 2023New and Improved (Romans 8:1-17)
Apr 30, 2023New and Improved (Romans 8:1-17)
The Apostle Paul leads us from the struggles with sin to the amazing fact that in Christ we are forgiven and no longer condemned. In this new and improved reality we have all we need through the power of the Holy Spirit to be better; to be transformed. But we discover that we still need to cooperate with the Holy Spirit by tapping into the power He provides to overcome our human nature that is always there.
- Apr 23, 2023“The Great Struggle” (Romans 7:7-25)
Apr 23, 2023“The Great Struggle” (Romans 7:7-25)
Paul reveals to his readers and to us that he understands how we each struggle to do what is right and we each feel guilty when we seem to wrestle with temptation. Sometimes we do give in and fail. How do we manage the battle in our hearts to be obedient to Christ? How do we reconcile our own failures?
- Apr 16, 2023Extreme Spiritual Makeover (part 2 Romans 6:15-7:6)
Apr 16, 2023Extreme Spiritual Makeover (part 2 Romans 6:15-7:6)
Paul uses imagery to reveal to his readers the freedom we have in Christ. We are free from the slave market of sin and free from the law and able to belong to Jesus. Sometimes we become complacent and think we can simply live life on our own terms and fix things with God later. This passage reminds us that we have amazing freedom to be all that God wants us to be in Jesus Christ.
- Apr 9, 2023Do You Believe This? (John 11)
Apr 9, 2023Do You Believe This? (John 11)Series: Easter Sunday
What you and I believe about Jesus and resurrection is vital to our faith. Jesus makes a powerful statement in John 11:26. He claims exclusivity. He is the resurrection and he is the life. Do you believe this? In this passage we will see power under control, and a willingness to step into the mess of our lives. That is our Jesus. Do you believe him?
- Apr 2, 2023One Week, Three People, Three Lessons
Apr 2, 2023One Week, Three People, Three LessonsSeries: Palm Sunday
Jesus has unique encounters with many during his last week before crucifixion. In this sermon we will look at three people in Luke's gospel. The widow, Barabbas, and the thief on the cross next to Jesus. From these three people we will discover lessons of faith and grace and mercy. We will be reminded that we serve a God who has not treated us our sins deserved.
- Mar 26, 2023Extreme Spiritual Makeover (Part 1 – Romans 6:1-14)
Mar 26, 2023Extreme Spiritual Makeover (Part 1 – Romans 6:1-14)
There is a misconception that since God is a God of grace it is ok to sin because God loves to forgive. The truth is that God's grace should be a motivating factor for each person that follows Jesus to change their lives. God is obviously not excited about our choosing sin, but he is excited about our desire to learn to be like Jesus. It takes a spiritual makeover to begin the journey of being like Jesus.
- Mar 19, 2023A Tale of Two Men (Romans 5:12-21)
Mar 19, 2023A Tale of Two Men (Romans 5:12-21)
Paul takes his readers through a compare and contrast scenario. He looks back at Genesis 3 and reveals that in Adam we were all subject to the ravages of sin that mars and destroys everything, and leads to death. But in contrast to Adam is Christ whose righteous act of dying on the cross has opened the door for all to receive God's grace and be declared righteous in God's sight.
- Mar 12, 2023True Peace (Romans 5:1-11)
Mar 12, 2023True Peace (Romans 5:1-11)
We all have different ideas when we think of the concept of peace. Often it accompanies the ideas of contentment or having all our material and relational needs met. In this passage, Paul outlines what it means to have peace with God. As we examine this passage may we each desire to have peace with God. We will discover it is the foundation of a purposeful daily life.
- Mar 5, 2023No Earning Power (Romans 4:9-25)
Mar 5, 2023No Earning Power (Romans 4:9-25)
Bridging the gap between Jew and Gentile, the Apostle Paul shows us that we cannot somehow earn our way into God's favor. He uses Abraham as his example who was put in an impossible situation and saw God come through in ways he could not have imagined. We have no earning power with God. We only have our faith.