Dec 20, 2020
Finding Love in Our Differences – 1 John 4:7-21

- Dec 20, 2020Finding Love in Our Differences – 1 John 4:7-21
Dec 20, 2020Finding Love in Our Differences – 1 John 4:7-21
Love that is truly love is a unifying force. When we really love someone we are able to see their best qualities and we are able to accept their differences. When we truly love someone we initiate acts of kindness, we don’t count the cost in helping them, we are safe in the relationship, and we look for ways to bridge our gaps. God is love. God so loved that He sent His Son. The real Christmas story is about love.
- Dec 13, 2020Finding Joy in our Discouragements (Luke 1)
Dec 13, 2020Finding Joy in our Discouragements (Luke 1)
Joy is not a word that we have heard uttered much over the past year. And yet in the midst of difficulties and struggles those who follow Jesus can have a sense of joy. In our passages today we meet two very familiar women. Each with much to be concerned about, but each aware that God had chosen them to participate in His plan in a very special way. In what should have been a time of discouragement they found joy and so can we.
- Dec 6, 2020Peace in the Middle of Our Struggles (Luke 2:8-20)
Dec 6, 2020Peace in the Middle of Our Struggles (Luke 2:8-20)
We see it all around. The word peace appears on cards, in Christmas displays, and even in store displays during this season. We all want peace. We desire peace. The angels declared God’s peace to those who were favored by God. But what does that mean? How can one have peace with God? We will learn what the shepherds learned 2000 years ago. Peace is a person. Jesus is the source of peace.
- Nov 29, 2020Hope in Uncertain Times: Luke 2:22-38
Nov 29, 2020Hope in Uncertain Times: Luke 2:22-38
Hope. It is often a word we use as a synonym for “wish.” But hope in the Bible is not used as a wish, it is a certainty that is yet to be fully realized. Hope in the Bible is based on God’s promises. We will see two individuals today who lived in hope day in and day out and were not disappointed. They saw with their own eyes what God had promised. Their story and their hope can encourage us. Howington. Released: 2020.