Jul 15, 2018
Do Everything In Love (1 Cor 16:13-14)

- Jul 15, 2018Do Everything In Love (1 Cor 16:13-14)
Jul 15, 2018Do Everything In Love (1 Cor 16:13-14)
As the Apostle Paul wraps up his letter to the Corinthian church it seems that v. 14 stands out as the key reality. It is love that will compel the church to be generous, love that will guide them to listen to and follow leadership, and love that will truly refresh others. Ultimately, it is love that will unite this church if they so choose.
- Jul 8, 2018Eternal Makeover (1 Cor 15:35-58)
Jul 8, 2018Eternal Makeover (1 Cor 15:35-58)
In some way, shape or form, we will each be changed. Our bodies that we have now are designed for this world. God will give us new bodies. Therefore, we do not need to fear the future or worry about physical death. Knowing what is coming should free us to serve fully right now.
- Jul 1, 2018Why Resurrection matters; even when it isn’t Easter
Jul 1, 2018Why Resurrection matters; even when it isn’t Easter
Resurrection is important to anyone who follows Jesus. Resurrection is important to the whole of the Christian faith. The resurrection of Jesus, proves our faith. The resurrection of Jesus gives us hope. The resurrection of Jesus holds us accountable for how we live as we will one day see him face to face. The fact is you and I need resurrection.
- Jun 24, 2018Decently and In Order (1 Cor 14)
Jun 24, 2018Decently and In Order (1 Cor 14)
A local church is a unit and each person is a significant part of the whole. A local church is to operate from a heart motivation of godlike love. Therefore, it stands to reason that when a church gathers, that there is a clear sense of that love and unity throughout the time of meeting. When people who claim to know Jesus, have gatherings that are characterized by chaos and strife, then the love and unity Jesus called for is destroyed and outsiders will be chased away.
- Jun 17, 2018“A More Excellent Way” (1 Cor, 12:31b-13:13)
Jun 17, 2018“A More Excellent Way” (1 Cor, 12:31b-13:13)
It is not always what someone does that makes an impact, but it is also the deep inner motivation that drives the act. If you have ever been upset that an act of kindness was not equally reciprocated, check your motive. If you have ever hoped that someone would notice your service in the church, check your motive. We learn today that the purest motive for the Christ follower is a God centered love.
- Jun 10, 2018Many yet One (1 Cor. 12:12-31a)
Jun 10, 2018Many yet One (1 Cor. 12:12-31a)
In an extended metaphor using the unique make-up of the human body the Apostle Paul makes the point that the local gathering of those who follow Christ should operate in the same way. Each individual part making its contribution to the good of the whole. Every person in a local church is important, and contributes to the health of the whole.
- Jun 3, 2018“What’d ya get?” (1 Cor. 12:1-11)
Jun 3, 2018“What’d ya get?” (1 Cor. 12:1-11)
God can use anyone. When we come into a faith relationship with Jesus, the Holy Spirit enables each person to uniquely use their abilities to enhance the local church, the body of Christ. There was some confusion about this aspect of life in the Corinthian church and in many ways that hasn’t changed. We will seek to get a basic understanding of the scope and purpose of spiritual gifts today.
- May 27, 2018Course Correction (1 Cor. 11:17-34)
May 27, 2018Course Correction (1 Cor. 11:17-34)
Have you ever felt left out? Have you ever experienced a time in which you knew that you were excluded due to your own social and economic status? While that reality exists in many places, it should never be experienced when we gather as a body of Christ followers. In Corinth, there was not level ground in the partaking of the Lord’s Supper and that needed serious correction.
- May 20, 2018On Hats and Haircuts (1 Cor 11:2-16)
May 20, 2018On Hats and Haircuts (1 Cor 11:2-16)
This is one of the most confusing passages in all of Scripture. And yet maybe if we look not at the details but at the overall context we can gain some understanding. We will consider how we show honor to God and to one another, as we maintain order and decorum and see if we can’t learn from this section of God’s Word.
- May 13, 2018Walking a Fine Line (1 Cor 10:23-11:1)
May 13, 2018Walking a Fine Line (1 Cor 10:23-11:1)
This section of 1 Corinthians wraps up the conversation on freedom. It leaves us with questions to answer: How sensitive am I to others? How do I adjust to help them see God? What would I sacrifice for the good of another? And finally do people really see God in me? Hard questions we each must address as we strive to follow Jesus.
- May 6, 2018Let This Be A Lesson To You
May 6, 2018Let This Be A Lesson To You
We all have examples in life. Some of our role models are very positive and the kind of people we want to emulate. But there are also people in our world of influence who are very negative and can lead us in a wrong direction. As Paul addresses the topic of freedom he is careful to make sure his readers understand and exercise their freedom with care and humility. We will see from some wrong examples that freedom is not the release from responsibility but is best exercised humbly within clear boundaries.
- Apr 29, 2018“Freedom and Discipline” (1 Cor 9:19-27)
Apr 29, 2018“Freedom and Discipline” (1 Cor 9:19-27)
If we are to exercise our freedom in Christ effectively, it will be from a standpoint of self-discipline. Many are familiar with this section because it is where Paul mentions his ability to connect with a variety of people at their level, that is freedom. However, he also uses an athletic analogy to talk about how he works to train himself to do nothing that would get in the way of the clear message of the gospel, that is discipline. We each need both in our lives.
- Apr 22, 2018“Speaking of My Rights” (1 Cor 9:1-18)
Apr 22, 2018“Speaking of My Rights” (1 Cor 9:1-18)
Ministering for the cause of Christ was not an easy task for the Apostle Paul. He put up with so many hardships and even false accusations. He also made some very clear and conscience choices that enabled him to freely teach about Christ and not feel beholden to anyone. Paul was willing to give up “rights” that were his by virtue of his position in order to freely preach the gospel. What “rights” could God be calling you and me to give up for his sake?
- Apr 15, 2018“Are you going to eat that?” (1 Cor 8)
Apr 15, 2018“Are you going to eat that?” (1 Cor 8)
What cultural practices are okay for a Christian and which one’s should we avoid? There are older members of our congregation who can remember when going to movies or any kind of dancing was considered sinful. For years retail establishments were not open on Sunday. What is right, what is wrong? How do we determine? In this chapter Paul sets up a larger conversation that the real issue is our sensitivity to others as they progress in their life with Jesus.
- Apr 8, 2018“Wait…What?” (1 Cor 7:25-40)
Apr 8, 2018“Wait…What?” (1 Cor 7:25-40)
Sometimes there are sections of the Bible that just seem confusing. This is one of those sections and it requires us to examine the overall context and cultural realities of the original readers. Paul has spoken about marriage and staying married and being content. Now he will talk about being single and it seems that he is saying it is best to stay single and not get married. What we will discover as we look at this section of his letter to the Corinthian church is that Paul’s message remains consistent. Single or married, we are to be first and foremost committed to serving God.