Aug 25, 2019
What Wisdom Looks Like (Proverbs 31:10-31)

- Aug 25, 2019What Wisdom Looks Like (Proverbs 31:10-31)
Aug 25, 2019What Wisdom Looks Like (Proverbs 31:10-31)
All too often the epilogue of the book of Proverbs is reserved for Mother’s Day sermons. However, we need to look at these last 22 verses of Proverbs from the standpoint of the whole book, that being wisdom. Since wisdom is personified as a woman in the early parts of Proverbs, it stands to reason that this last chapter also speaks more of wisdom than an impossible “to do list” for a wife. When we see it as a metaphor, Proverbs 31:10-31 has a powerful message for all of us.
- Aug 18, 2019The Wisdom of Honesty
Aug 18, 2019The Wisdom of Honesty
We live in a culture in which truth is not always held in high esteem. Fact checking seems to be the norm when anyone of note speaks or writes. Plausible deniability is valued, statistics are manipulated, and advertisers only tell you enough to make a sale. If everyone is playing loose with the truth, why should we be different? In this sermon we consider the wisdom of honesty.
- Aug 11, 2019Wise Leadership
Aug 11, 2019Wise Leadership
Leadership is a topic that has been researched, written about, analyzed, evaluated, and critiqued. We are in the throes of spending the 15 months hearing people tell us why they should be in leadership positions. In this study of Proverbs we will look at the characteristics of leadership as defined by wisdom. Each of us in one way shape or form is a leader and we should each evaluate our own lives in light of what we will see in this review.
- Aug 4, 2019Wise Friendships
Aug 4, 2019Wise Friendships
Research continues to show that while we are more connected than ever, we are also growing lonelier. People, by and large, have many acquaintances but few real friendships. Could it be that we need to revisit what it means to have friendships based on wisdom? We will look at some principles of a wise friendship and work to evaluate not just our friends, but also ourselves. Am I the kind of friend to others that I want them to be to me?
- Jul 28, 2019Parenting With Wisdom
Jul 28, 2019Parenting With Wisdom
How many times have you heard that being a parent does not come with an instruction manual? Guess what? There is a manual. It takes some time to read it. It takes some thought to apply it. But we have some guidelines in the book of Proverbs that guide us in rearing our children. We will look at some key principles today. As a church family we can all be part of helping and guiding parents as we model the wisdom that comes from the fear of the Lord.
- Jul 21, 2019A Wisdom Based Marriage
Jul 21, 2019A Wisdom Based Marriage
God created marriage. A wise marriage as described in Proverbs is characterized by partnership, peace, and pleasure. We will look at how those three characteristics are not just ideals, but can be realities in any marriage. In fact they are also characteristics of a good friendship as well.
- Jul 14, 2019The Wisdom of Generosity
Jul 14, 2019The Wisdom of GenerosityGenerosity. Most of us if asked would define ourselves as generous. But what limits have we put on our generosity? To whom are we generous? Is there room for one more in our home, or two, or three, tonight? Who has permission to "raid" your fridge? Would you loan your car to a neighbor? Often times we will respond to those questions with comments about being responsible etc. There is great wisdom, and great refreshment, and great benefit to being generous. It requires great faith to be generous.
- Jul 7, 2019The Importance of Words in Proverbs
Jul 7, 2019The Importance of Words in Proverbs
We often just take our words for granted. Words are very important and very powerful. Cary Gray, a PHCC Elder leads us through a study of the power of words in the book of Proverbs. Take careful notice of how you have used your words this past year.
- Jun 30, 2019Warning Signs for The Path (Selected Proverbs)
Jun 30, 2019Warning Signs for The Path (Selected Proverbs)
As we venture out on vacations and trips this summer we will find signs along the way. Signs provide guidance and warnings. We always do well to pay attention to them. As we look again at the instructions of a father and mother to their child we will note some very important warning signs that a wise person would do well to note and act upon.
- Jun 23, 2019The Importance of the Heart (Proverbs 3:5-6; 4:23)
Jun 23, 2019The Importance of the Heart (Proverbs 3:5-6; 4:23)
Repeatedly in the Proverbs we are instructed about the heart. We are to protect our heart for it is the place in which we develop trust. It is in the heart where decisions are make, commands are stored, and knowledge is acquired. It becomes quite clear that in Proverbs we are talking about more than an organ that pumps blood. We will focus on two very important aspects of the heart that in many ways guide all other references; trusting and guarding. If we can learn to protect our hearts and trust God in our heart we can choose the path of wisdom.
- Jun 16, 2019To Whom Do You Listen?
Jun 16, 2019To Whom Do You Listen?
The paths of life in the Proverbs are very clear. There is the way of wisdom and the way of folly. There is no middle ground in Proverbs. The question is to whom do you listen? We will look at the necessity and value of listening to the various sources of wisdom that are available in Proverbs. God uses many people in our lives to impart skill for living. It is our choice to take heed.
- Jun 9, 2019Five People You Meet in Proverbs
Jun 9, 2019Five People You Meet in Proverbs
We can all think of people we have met in our lives that are the kind of folks we want to emulate. We can all think of people we have met who are the kind of individuals we would rather forget. We all know people who are somewhere in between those extremes. We can learn from them all. We will look at the wicked, the mocker, the fool, the sluggard, and the simple and see what we can learn from each one. More importantly we will need to look inward and see what God may want to change in each of us.
- Jun 2, 2019Preparing for the Journey (Proverbs 1:1-7)
Jun 2, 2019Preparing for the Journey (Proverbs 1:1-7)
No matter where we are on the journey of life, we find that we can use some direction. Living in the information age means that there is always something new to learn. How do we make sure we are focused on the right things? How can be make sure we are moving in the right direction? Oddly enough we find that a collection of instructions and sayings gathered some 3000 years ago can still keep us on the right path. It is our responsibility to understand God’s wisdom and then choose wisely.