Apr 17, 2022
The “Yes” of Resurrection (Matthew 28:1-20)

- Apr 17, 2022The “Yes” of Resurrection (Matthew 28:1-20)
Apr 17, 2022The “Yes” of Resurrection (Matthew 28:1-20)
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is arguably the foundation of all we believe. To paraphrase the Apostle Paul: If Christ has not been raise our faith is pointless. (1 Cor. 15:17). In Matthew’s account of the resurrection we find discover three general responses joyful wonder, denial, and doubt. And yet as we will see, in many ways resurrection is God’s “Yes” to many of our questions.
- Apr 10, 2022Tough Questions Matthew 22:34-45
Apr 10, 2022Tough Questions Matthew 22:34-45
The week following Palm Sunday was full of confrontation. The religious leaders worked hard to find a way to trip Jesus up so they could have an excuse for arresting him. In this interchange we find Jesus not only answering their question but posing a question to them for which they have no answer. We are left with yet another reminder of Jesus’ full awareness of who he is and the goal of his mission.
- Apr 3, 2022Leadership Jesus’ Way
Apr 3, 2022Leadership Jesus’ Way
We have seen what it means to follow Jesus. Now we will see what it means to lead in the manner of Jesus. There is much written about leadership. Jesus not only gives us a very simple, yet complex principle, but then in Matthew’s Gospel he shows in real time what it looks like.
- Mar 27, 2022For all those who follow (Matthew 16:13-27)
Mar 27, 2022For all those who follow (Matthew 16:13-27)
In every endeavor there are leaders. Even if a leader is not designated for a particular situation, one will eventually emerge. The question each person must answer is “Do I know the leader I am choosing to follow?” In our passage we discover that while the disciples had a raw understanding of who Jesus was, they still needed to be reminded of his mission, and the cost to join him on that mission. We need the same reminders.
- Mar 20, 2022Jesus Assembles the Team (Matthew 9:34-10:4)
Mar 20, 2022Jesus Assembles the Team (Matthew 9:34-10:4)
In order to launch a mission that would alter the course of human history, Jesus first assembled a team. They were not considered “all-stars” but were hand picked by Jesus after spending a night in prayerful communion with the Heavenly Father. We will see the balance between grace and truth as we look at the most unlikely person to be chosen for this special team.