May 26, 2019
Free to Engage Culture
Series: Living in Resurrection Reality

- May 26, 2019Free to Engage Culture
May 26, 2019Free to Engage CultureSeries: Living in Resurrection Reality
For years we have heard of “culture wars.” The problem with that phrase is it creates an unhealthy “us against them” mentality. What we find in the Bible is a reminder that we are not to run from culture, but we are to engage the culture and be difference makers. We will consider how to do that from God’s Word today.
- May 19, 2019Free to Be Real (3 John)
May 19, 2019Free to Be Real (3 John)Series: Living in Resurrection Reality
Authenticity. It is one of the key terms of our age. It is a term that focuses on being true to who one is, being genuine, being real. But how does one know if they are truly being authentic? Today we will look at an often neglected letter of the New Testament and see some characteristics of authentic living.
- May 12, 2019Free To Let Go (Ephesians 4:25-32)
May 12, 2019Free To Let Go (Ephesians 4:25-32)Series: Living in Resurrection Reality
It is Mother’s Day. The life of a mom is often characterized by letting go. Mom’s are invested in teaching and training their children to grow and one day leave the “nest” and strike out on their own. But it is not an easy process. There are things we each need to release as we grow in our relationship with Christ. Today we will learn that there is great freedom and great reward in learning to let go.
- May 5, 2019Free to Serve (Luke 10:25-37)
May 5, 2019Free to Serve (Luke 10:25-37)Series: Living in Resurrection Reality
Who did you help this coming week? Who did you ignore that could have used a helping hand? Coming to the aid of another person in need is always, time consuming, possibly financially costly, and rarely with immediate reward. In this most familiar of all stories we are each brought face to face with the question, “Who is my neighbor?” We are indirectly faced with a deeper question: “Do I love others in the same way God loves me?”
- Apr 28, 2019Free to Change (Colossians 3:1-17)
Apr 28, 2019Free to Change (Colossians 3:1-17)Series: Living in Resurrection Reality
I can’t change you. You can’t change me. All attempts to the contrary will end up in frustration and potentially broken relationships. But God gives me all I need to be able to make changes in my own life. We all want to grow and improve and as we live in resurrection reality we find that real change is possible. We are free to change, but we still need to have a desire to change. Making positive changes in my life is my responsibility.
- Apr 21, 2019What if it never happened (1 Cor 15)
Apr 21, 2019What if it never happened (1 Cor 15)
Easter Sunday is an important day in our faith history. It is the day we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Death has been conquered. Hope is alive. And yet, in our passage today, Paul addresses the objection that this event never happened. Let that sink in a minute. What if the resurrection never happened? What difference would that make in the way you are living your life today? We will take a look at Paul’s response and discover that we must celebrate the fact of resurrection.
- Apr 14, 2019Who are your really looking for? (Matthew 21:1-22)
Apr 14, 2019Who are your really looking for? (Matthew 21:1-22)
What are you looking for? Hope? Freedom? Purpose? The list could go on. On a Sunday morning 2000 years ago, the people in Jerusalem may have added Messiah to the list. In their minds Messiah was all the above and more, But they weren't looking for Jesus. He did not fit their idea of a Messiah. Does Jesus fit the description of who we are looking for on this Palm Sunday?
- Apr 7, 2019Six Days Left: Living as one who is accountable (Matthew 25:31-46)
Apr 7, 2019Six Days Left: Living as one who is accountable (Matthew 25:31-46)Series: Six Days Left...
When was your most recent performance review? For those in school when was you most recent quiz, or exam? We have things like performance reviews and exams to hold us accountable; to help us to our best. Sometimes we need to remember that Jesus also holds us accountable. It is expected for those who follow Jesus to be people of compassion, mercy, and grace. Jesus will expect us to give an answer for how we lived this way. Today, I need to consider how I am preparing for my eternal performance review.
- Mar 31, 2019Six Days Left: Investor v. Consumer (Matt 25:14-30)
Mar 31, 2019Six Days Left: Investor v. Consumer (Matt 25:14-30)Series: Six Days Left...
Are you invested or are you a consumer? Have you ever thought of the difference? How about when it comes to following Jesus? What is the difference between someone who is invested into the mission of Jesus and someone who just wants to enjoy the benefits? Jesus told an interesting story about three people and two of them were fully invested. How can we be invested in the mission of Jesus in ways that really make a difference?
- Mar 24, 2019Six Days Left: Living in Readiness (Matthew 25:1-13)
Mar 24, 2019Six Days Left: Living in Readiness (Matthew 25:1-13)Series: Six Days Left...
What does it mean to be prepared? A few years ago the catch phrase was “seize the day.” Later on the acronym YOLO “you only live once” became popular. We often hear about “living in the moment.” All of these are present oriented. But how are we prepared for eternity? How are we prepared for the fact that at any moment Jesus could return? In his last week before the cross Jesus was focused on the need for his followers to live in readiness.
- Mar 17, 20196 days left: 2 rules for Life (Matt 22:34-40)
Mar 17, 20196 days left: 2 rules for Life (Matt 22:34-40)Series: Six Days Left...
If you knew you had six days to live what would be the most important things on your mind? In this series leading up to Easter we are looking at some of the key teachings of Jesus during his last week before the crucifixion. In our passage today he reduces the sum total of the law to two rules that are as relevant today as they were 2000 years ago.
- Mar 10, 2019Grace Truth and Second Opportunities
Mar 10, 2019Grace Truth and Second OpportunitiesSeries: Being People of Grace and Truth
Has someone failed you? Have you failed someone? Who gave you another opportunity to succeed? To whom have you granted a second chance? In a very familiar passage we will once again examine how Jesus shows grace and truth in dealing with one who failed him at his darkest hour.
- Mar 8, 2019Grace, Truth, and Servant Leadership
Mar 8, 2019Grace, Truth, and Servant LeadershipSeries: Being People of Grace and Truth
Dusty, smelly, grimy feet. Cool, refreshing, soothing water. Imagine for a moment the Creator of the Universe, washing your feet. How would you feel? What would you say? What would you do? How would you respond to his gentle command to follow his example? Have you? Do you?
- Feb 24, 2019Grace, Truth, and God’s timing (John 11)
Feb 24, 2019Grace, Truth, and God’s timing (John 11)Series: Being People of Grace and Truth
Jesus waited. Everyone else was in an uproar. Jesus waited. Lazarus died. Jesus waited. Martha wept. Mary wept. Jesus wept. Jesus called out. Lazarus came out. Everyone celebrated. Well almost everyone. What is it about Grace and Truth bound up in Jesus that makes some people uncomfortable?
- Feb 17, 2019Grace, Truth, and Sight (John 9)
Feb 17, 2019Grace, Truth, and Sight (John 9)Series: Being People of Grace and Truth
The Disciples saw a sinner. The Pharisees saw a rule breaker. The crowds saw an anomaly. Jesus saw a person in need and touched his life giving him sight. The blind man saw Jesus and believed. When we understand grace and truth we learn to see life through the eyes of Jesus because we have truly seen Jesus.