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Have you ever been caught up in making a bad choice? We all have. While our passage today is in dispute as to where it falls in Scripture, it is a story that is consistent with what we know of Jesus. The woman was entrapped and found guilty. Jesus does not ignore her sin. Jesus does not rush to judgment. In a unique display of grace and truth, he protects her, forgives her, and gently confronts her sin.
Feb 10, 2019
Grace, Truth, and Bad Choices (John 8:1-11)
Series: Being People of Grace and Truth

- Feb 10, 2019Grace, Truth, and Bad Choices (John 8:1-11)
Feb 10, 2019Grace, Truth, and Bad Choices (John 8:1-11)Series: Being People of Grace and Truth
Have you ever been caught up in making a bad choice? We all have. While our passage today is in dispute as to where it falls in Scripture, it is a story that is consistent with what we know of Jesus. The woman was entrapped and found guilty. Jesus does not ignore her sin. Jesus does not rush to judgment. In a unique display of grace and truth, he protects her, forgives her, and gently confronts her sin.
- Feb 3, 2019Grace, Truth, Fish, and Bread (John 6)
Feb 3, 2019Grace, Truth, Fish, and Bread (John 6)Series: Being People of Grace and Truth
In one of the most familiar accounts of the ministry of Jesus we will discover some important lessons of Grace and Truth. The biggest question that came out of the feeding of the 5,000 was simply this: “Why do you follow Jesus?” How do you and I respond to that question? Does our answer hold up when we face the tough things in life?
- Jan 27, 2019Grace, Truth, and a Misplaced Focus
Jan 27, 2019Grace, Truth, and a Misplaced FocusSeries: Being People of Grace and Truth
Sometimes we get so focused on our circumstances that we are unable to see the solution. In John 5 Jesus encounters such a man. However, Jesus steps into this man's life and in one sentence changes it. As we examine this instance and the lengthy discourse that follows we learn some valuable lessons of grace and truth.
- Jan 20, 2019Grace, Truth, and Brokenness (John 4)
Jan 20, 2019Grace, Truth, and Brokenness (John 4)Series: Being People of Grace and Truth
Jesus knows who you are, where you are, and where you have been. Yet he steps into our lives and offers his grace and forgiveness. In John 4 we meet a woman who is broken, possibly victimized, and living an immoral life. Jesus breaks about every rule in the book to speak with her. Before it is all said and done, he reveals to her the life changing reality of his grace and truth.
- Jan 13, 2019Grace, Truth, and a Fiasco (John 2:1-12)
Jan 13, 2019Grace, Truth, and a Fiasco (John 2:1-12)Series: Being People of Grace and Truth
Social blunders are part of being human. In this passage it was more than a blunder. Running out of wine in the middle of a first century wedding was unheard of, unacceptable, and socially devastating for years. As a guest at this wedding Jesus was not responsible for planning. As the Messiah, he was on God’s timetable. And yet he showed grace in the middle of a fiasco and helped a family save face.
- Jan 6, 2019Grace, Truth, and 2019
Jan 6, 2019Grace, Truth, and 2019Series: Being People of Grace and Truth
We are in a new year. That brings with it, new hopes, new promises, and new challenges. As we begin to navigate the unchartered waters of this new year we are going to look to Jesus as our example. Our journey through the Gospel of John over the next few weeks will highlight two perfectly balanced characteristics of Jesus. He was full of “grace and truth” (John 1:14). May we each be people of grace and truth in this new year.
- Dec 30, 2018Living by Faith in 2019
Dec 30, 2018Living by Faith in 2019
It is one thing to talk about faith. We can celebrate “heroes of faith.” But what does it really mean to live by faith? Does it mean to sell everything and go to Djibouti? Does it mean to quit one’s job and become a pastor? Maybe. But it can also mean to make simple changes in my lifestyle and learn to listen to God on a daily basis. Living by faith can be very practical.
- Dec 23, 2018Love That Lasts
Dec 23, 2018Love That LastsSeries: Advent 2018
The word love is possibly the most overused and therefore watered down term in current use. We love everything from pizza, to puppies, to performers, and vacation spots. But love that lasts must be deeper than a preference or an emotional reaction. God tells us that love is bound up in sacrificially putting others first. Love that lasts is neither self-centered nor self-serving. We will consider love that lasts on this last Sunday of Advent.
- Dec 16, 2018Real Joy (Luke 2:8-11; John 15:9-13)
Dec 16, 2018Real Joy (Luke 2:8-11; John 15:9-13)Series: Advent 2018
“Joy to the World” we sing. The angel said he was bringing, “good news that will cause great joy for all people.” What is joy? Is it just happiness over circumstances that are pleasant. Is it something like that but a bit more? Jesus said that our joy could be full, or complete in John 15:11. How can we get to that point? Today we consider the joy that comes from the promise and purpose of Jesus being born some 2000 years ago. Real joy is possible.
- Dec 9, 2018Peace on Earth
Dec 9, 2018Peace on EarthSeries: Advent 2018
Peace is far more than the absence of conflict. Peace has to do with one’s well being. Peace is when there is harmony in relationship. Peace is not about circumstances but about the heart. Jesus came to bring peace, between God and humanity. Once we have peace with God, we find that we have peace with one another.
- Dec 2, 2018Hope for All – Isaiah 40
Dec 2, 2018Hope for All – Isaiah 40Series: Advent 2018
Hope. It is a word we use a great deal. Last week children were hoping for a snow day. Parents were hoping for school. We hope our team wins. We have many things that we hope for. But the hope that comes from Jesus is far greater than a wish. Christlike hope is a confident expectation based on the reality of who God is. The birth of Jesus is hope fulfilled, as well as hope for the future.
- Nov 25, 2018More Than Just One Day A Year
Nov 25, 2018More Than Just One Day A YearSeries: Chasing the Wind: Ecclesiastes
Being thankful is an important characteristic of one who follows Jesus. Thankfulness is to be part of our daily lives, part of the attitude with which we face the world. As we look at a survey of this mindset in the Bible, we will see it is more than an idealistic way of looking at the world. It is a mindset that will impact every relationship.
- Nov 18, 2018Remember Your Creator…today
Nov 18, 2018Remember Your Creator…todaySeries: Chasing the Wind: Ecclesiastes
Life is short. That is especially true as one gets older and looks back. The Teacher and the narrator draw similar conclusions after all has been considered. The most important thing is to know and focus on God our creator while we have breath. In fact, the younger the better. Only God gives meaning and purpose to what all to often seems meaningless. Remember your Creator.
- Nov 11, 2018Living in the Real World (surrounded by fools)
Nov 11, 2018Living in the Real World (surrounded by fools)Series: Chasing the Wind: Ecclesiastes
In this life under the sun, reputations are fragile, people ill-equipped end up in leadership positions, and we all take risks. The Teacher looks at all of this with a bit of cynicism and seems to promote a “live and let live” view point. We will let all of scripture guide us as we seek to make sense of these observations.
- Nov 4, 2018Living on Borrowed Time – Eccl 9
Nov 4, 2018Living on Borrowed Time – Eccl 9Series: Chasing the Wind: Ecclesiastes
Believe it or not we are in November. Time is really short. How does the fact that time is short, affect your daily decisions? Do you live in fear or in making the most of the time God has given you today? The fact that we all live on borrowed time should actually energize us to use our time wisely. What is the most important thing you can do for God today?