Oct 1, 2017
We Believe the Bible is God’s Word
Series: The Road We Travel

- Oct 1, 2017We Believe the Bible is God’s Word
Oct 1, 2017We Believe the Bible is God’s WordSeries: The Road We Travel
It is one thing to say, “I believe the Bible is God’s Word.” That is the easy part. If we believe God can do anything, then he can give us the Bible. But what about doing what the Bible says? How is that going for you on a daily basis? What about reading the Bible for yourself to learn to discover God’s love and his commands? If we believe the Bible is the Word of God, we should want to be certain we live the principles of the Bible.
- Sep 24, 2017We Believe in the Trinity
Sep 24, 2017We Believe in the TrinitySeries: The Road We Travel
“In the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.” We have heard this formula at the end of prayers. It has been invoked at baptisms and weddings. And yet we often are confused. How can there be one God and yet three distinct persons? It is important that we have a basic understanding of this important teaching called the Trinity. We also find that there are some practical realities that come from understanding the Trinity.
- Sep 17, 2017God In Us (John 14:16-17, 26; 16:8-13)
Sep 17, 2017God In Us (John 14:16-17, 26; 16:8-13)Series: The Road We Travel
Why do I feel guilty when I have done something wrong? How did I know to send that person a note? How can I learn from God’s Word? What can I contribute to church life? All these questions can be answered by understanding the work of the Holy Spirit. He convicts us, guides us, teaches us, and empowers us to serve God by serving one another in the church.
- Sep 10, 2017God With Us (John 1:1-18; 1 Cor 15:3-4)
Sep 10, 2017God With Us (John 1:1-18; 1 Cor 15:3-4)Series: The Road We Travel
How can we know what God is really like? How can we know how God would respond to situations in which we sometimes find ourselves? Look at Jesus. Jesus is God with us (Matt. 1:23). Jesus is fully human (Hebrews 2:17) and yet Jesus is fully God (John 14:3). He is the atonement for our sins, who has reconciled us to God. It is not enough to just believe in God. The key is what do we believe about Jesus?
- Sep 3, 2017God Above Us (Genesis 1:1; Hebrews 11:6)
Sep 3, 2017God Above Us (Genesis 1:1; Hebrews 11:6)Series: The Road We Travel
What we believe about God matters. What we believe about God determines what we value, how we live our lives, and how we plan our future. If we believe that God is the source of all that exists, the authority over heaven and earth, and yet also our Heavenly Father, it should make a profound difference in our daily choices. How does what you believe in God affect you?
- Aug 27, 2017The Beauty of Grace (Gen 49-50)
Aug 27, 2017The Beauty of Grace (Gen 49-50)
In this final sermon on Genesis we look at grace from two vantage points. First we see Jacob's statement of a future grace shown to the whole world through the line of Judah (49:8-14). Then we see the grace Joseph shows his own brothers, after the death of their father (Gen. 50:15-21).
- Aug 20, 2017“The Big Reveal” (Genesis 42-45)
Aug 20, 2017“The Big Reveal” (Genesis 42-45)
The day finally came. The dreams he had as a teenager were fulfilled for Joseph. It is in his response to the fulfilled dreams that we learn a bit more as to why God chose this man to be his instrument to save the family of Israel (Jacob). We also learn about how God sometimes works in situations that are less than comfortable. We learn the godly character qualities that make Joseph stand out as an example to us all.
- Aug 13, 2017Waiting is hard, but worth it (Gen. 40-41)
Aug 13, 2017Waiting is hard, but worth it (Gen. 40-41)
Sometimes the hardest thing God asks us to do is to wait. As we learn from the life of Joseph, God always has his plan and it is up to us to wait until He brings it to fruition.
- Aug 6, 2017More Than a Test of Character (Gen. 39)
Aug 6, 2017More Than a Test of Character (Gen. 39)
Passing a test of character for one who trusts in God is more than human resolve. When we understand and take to heart, that everything we do, say, or think, is done in the presence of God, we have a unique motivation to act in ways that we know please God. In this unique passage we not only see God’s presence, but also God’s fulfilled promise of blessing to the descendants of Abraham.
- Jul 30, 2017Desperate Choices…God’s Grace (Genesis 38)
Jul 30, 2017Desperate Choices…God’s Grace (Genesis 38)
God is aware of the fact that some people, by no fault of their own, are put in impossible situations. We meet a young lady named Tamar today. She is in an impossible situation and makes a desperate decision. Little does she know that God will use her, a Canaanite woman, to be his human instrument to preserve the covenant. The God of grace can also work through our desperate choices.
- Jul 23, 2017Transitions (Genesis 35:11-37)
Jul 23, 2017Transitions (Genesis 35:11-37)
Change happens, to us as humans. As much as we try we cannot avoid the reality of change. It happens as our children grow. It happens as we grow. But God does not change. God is steady, and constant, and true. When we face times of change we need to learn how to stay focused on our Lord who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
- Jul 16, 2017God’s Faithfulness v. My Obstacles
Jul 16, 2017God’s Faithfulness v. My Obstacles
Some obstacles are unavoidable like natural disasters. Other obstacles are self-imposed by poor decisions we sometimes make. Today we see the fallout from a rash decision in contrast to God calling Jacob and his family to return to serving only Him. God proves himself faithful time and time again in spite of the poor choices I tend to make.
- Jul 9, 2017The Wounds of Mercy and Grace (Gen. 29-32)
Jul 9, 2017The Wounds of Mercy and Grace (Gen. 29-32)
At over 70 years old Jacob still hasn’t fully figured out what it means to fully follow God. In a series of life events that entail the deceiver being deceived and humiliated, Jacob begins to understand. In the end, the wounds of God’s mercy and grace through life events will begin to soften Jacob. But a face to face encounter with God leaves him walking with a limp and learning dependency.
- Jul 2, 2017What About Esau? (Selections from Genesis and Hebrews 12:14-17)
Jul 2, 2017What About Esau? (Selections from Genesis and Hebrews 12:14-17)While the Genesis story shifts its focus to Jacob, there is still the other brother. In our message today we will consider the person of Esau. What about this brother do we see that could reveal to us why God may not have chosen him? What can we learn from Esau?
- Jun 25, 2017Preaching the Gospel To Ourselves (John 10:1-18)
Jun 25, 2017Preaching the Gospel To Ourselves (John 10:1-18)By: Ethan Reynolds
We live in a spiritually blind age where we are daily confronted with messages that pull us away from God. We encounter this message every day, whether we acknowledge it or not. How can we keep our focus on Christ during these times? Our message today helps us to discern and remember wheat is important in our pursuit of following Jesus. We will look at some aspects of Jesus being the Good Shepherd.