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Jun 18, 2017
A Father’s Blessing (Genesis 27:26-29)
We often use the term blessed or blessing, but do we understand it in its biblical context? Is it possible for us to pass on a blessing to others?  We will discover some important life lessons as we consider Isaac's blessing of Jacob.
  • Jun 18, 2017A Father’s Blessing (Genesis 27:26-29)
    Jun 18, 2017
    A Father’s Blessing (Genesis 27:26-29)
    We often use the term blessed or blessing, but do we understand it in its biblical context? Is it possible for us to pass on a blessing to others?  We will discover some important life lessons as we consider Isaac's blessing of Jacob.
  • Jun 11, 2017Lessons from the Early Life of Jacob
    Jun 11, 2017
    Lessons from the Early Life of Jacob
    What kind of person does God use? Do they have to be perfect? Are they the kind of people who always get good grades and never get into trouble? Our subject today helps us answer those questions with a resounding “No!” God carries out his plan often in spite of us who work hard to mess it up. We will learn some very important lessons from the early life of Jacob today.
  • Jun 4, 2017The Son of Promise (Gen. 21-22)
    Jun 4, 2017
    The Son of Promise (Gen. 21-22)
    Celebration. Sorrow. Risk. Provision. Faith. All words that describe the scenes in Genesis 21-22. In all of those events and the emotions they extract there is one consistent reality. God. God is the reason, the source, the goal, and the focus in the story of Abraham. What about God are you celebrating? Where are you trusting Him? How are you doing in following Him?
  • May 28, 2017Justice and Mercy (Gen 18:16-19:29)
    May 28, 2017
    Justice and Mercy (Gen 18:16-19:29)
    God is just. God is merciful. These two qualities exist in amazing balance. You and I should thank God for his mercy and we should live in respectful obedience in light of his justice. We will see this balance in our passage today. We also should remember that the ultimate display of justice and mercy was shown by the death of Jesus on the cross of Calvary. On this Memorial Day weekend it is good to remember the fallen and focus on justice and mercy.
  • May 21, 2017Commitment and Confidence (Genesis 17:1-18:15)
    May 21, 2017
    Commitment and Confidence (Genesis 17:1-18:15)
    As we come to Genesis 17 we find a 99 year old Abram still without a son from the union with Sarai. God steps in yet again, and not only changes Abram and Sarai’s name, but now gives them the name of the son that will be born to them. Isaac means “laughter.” Abram will remember all his life that he laughed at God’s promise (Gen 17:17). What is the seemingly impossible thing God is asking you to trust Him for? How are you doing?
  • May 14, 2017The God Who Sees Me (Genesis 17)
    May 14, 2017
    The God Who Sees Me (Genesis 17)
    Sometimes, we go through times in life when it seems that we feel invisible. No one appears to notice us. It matters not that whether we are struggling, or serving admirably, we just feel invisible. In Genesis 16 Hagar learns in the middle of her own distress a very important lesson. God is the “God who sees me.” No one is invisible to our all knowing, all present God.
  • May 7, 2017A Pivotal Moment (Genesis 15)
    May 7, 2017
    A Pivotal Moment (Genesis 15)
    We all have “pivotal moments” in our lives that have helped us define goals and set direction. Often we can remember those moments with a great deal of clarity and detail. Genesis 15 is a pivotal moment in Abram’s life and in biblical history. As we examine this brief chapter, ask God to reveal what it looks like for you to fully trust Him, with no reservations.
  • Apr 30, 2017Lot: That Pesky Nephew (Gen 13:5-14:24)
    Apr 30, 2017
    Lot: That Pesky Nephew (Gen 13:5-14:24)
    When do you need God? When do you call on him for help and guidance? We each have a propensity to “not bother God” when we think life is going our way. But then we want him near when we struggle. In two stories today we see the comparison between Abram and his faith and his nephew Lot and his decisions. We will see that there is a vast difference between living by faith and just living.
  • Apr 23, 2017Faith-Walk Lessons
    Apr 23, 2017
    Faith-Walk Lessons
    If only our walk of faith could be lived in a straight line. But it is not. It zigs and zags and mainly because we zig and zag. God leads us clearly as long as we continue to focus on him. But when we think we have a better idea, or we need to help God make life work, then we tend to stray. When we come back to what we know to be true we find an amazing reality. God is there waiting and willing to receive us and help us as we choose to follow him.
  • Apr 16, 2017Jesus is Still Alive on Monday
    Apr 16, 2017
    Jesus is Still Alive on Monday
    In a technological age we are used to “defaults” and “factory resets.” After all the excitement had died down Peter led some of the disciples back to a “default setting.” They needed to make ends meet and they went back to fishing. But Jesus appeared and he was still alive and it changed everything. What does the risen, living Jesus want to change in your life?
  • Apr 9, 2017Word Pictures during the Last Week of Jesus’ Life
    Apr 9, 2017
    Word Pictures during the Last Week of Jesus’ Life
    When a person becomes fully aware that their life on this earth is quickly drawing to a close, that are able to discern more readily what the most important things of life really are. As Jesus has his last few days of teaching the crowds and the disciples we find several key themes that he emphasizes.
  • Apr 2, 2017When God Wants All of You (Gen. 11:27-12:4)
    Apr 2, 2017
    When God Wants All of You (Gen. 11:27-12:4)
    God does not negotiate. He doesn’t have to. He sets the terms and we either agree to them or we go our own way. God doesn’t negotiate but he waits. He is patient. He waits for us to discover that going our own way in life, is a mistake. He gives us just enough freedom to trip over our own foolishness. In this passage we discover that God wants all of us and it is then that He can use us far beyond what we could ever imagine.
  • Mar 26, 2017The Error or Reducing God (Genesis 11:1-9)
    Mar 26, 2017
    The Error or Reducing God (Genesis 11:1-9)
    It seems that humans are constantly trying to re-create God in their own image. It is a common theme among those who choose to not believe that God is the creator and source of all that exists. If God can be more like us, then we can have excuses for doing our own thing. We will see today, that not only were the ancients disobedient, but they tried to bring God down to their own level fallen humanity.
  • Mar 19, 2017And So It Begins Again (Gen. 9:18-10:32)
    Mar 19, 2017
    And So It Begins Again (Gen. 9:18-10:32)

    After the great flood the world is new, but the heart of humans has not changed.  In a mysterious incident we find Noah’s son committing a sin that brings a pronouncement of judgment from Noah.  While the flood cleansed the earth, the heart of humanity remains the same.  But God in his grace offers hope as he promises to dwell with the line of Shem.  His plan for redemption will not be denied.


  • Mar 12, 2017A Fresh Start with a New Purpose (Gen. 7:1-9:17)
    Mar 12, 2017
    A Fresh Start with a New Purpose (Gen. 7:1-9:17)
    With a freshly cleaned and dried world, came some old reminders, new privileges and responsibilities, and a visible promise. Noah and his family were expected to fulfill the original mandate, and be God’s new first family. Once again we are reminded of God’s judgment, mercy, provision, and protection.  He is a God who can be trusted because He keeps his promises.