Apr 9, 2023
Do You Believe This? (John 11)
Series: Easter Sunday
What you and I believe about Jesus and resurrection is vital to our faith. Jesus makes a powerful statement in John 11:26. He claims exclusivity. He is the resurrection and he is the life. Do you believe this? In this passage we will see power under control, and a willingness to step into the mess of our lives. That is our Jesus. Do you believe him?
- Apr 9, 2023Do You Believe This? (John 11)
Apr 9, 2023Do You Believe This? (John 11)Series: Easter SundayWhat you and I believe about Jesus and resurrection is vital to our faith. Jesus makes a powerful statement in John 11:26. He claims exclusivity. He is the resurrection and he is the life. Do you believe this? In this passage we will see power under control, and a willingness to step into the mess of our lives. That is our Jesus. Do you believe him?
- Apr 2, 2023One Week, Three People, Three Lessons
Apr 2, 2023One Week, Three People, Three LessonsSeries: Palm SundayJesus has unique encounters with many during his last week before crucifixion. In this sermon we will look at three people in Luke's gospel. The widow, Barabbas, and the thief on the cross next to Jesus. From these three people we will discover lessons of faith and grace and mercy. We will be reminded that we serve a God who has not treated us our sins deserved.
- Mar 26, 2023Extreme Spiritual Makeover (Part 1 – Romans 6:1-14)
Mar 26, 2023Extreme Spiritual Makeover (Part 1 – Romans 6:1-14)There is a misconception that since God is a God of grace it is ok to sin because God loves to forgive. The truth is that God's grace should be a motivating factor for each person that follows Jesus to change their lives. God is obviously not excited about our choosing sin, but he is excited about our desire to learn to be like Jesus. It takes a spiritual makeover to begin the journey of being like Jesus.
- Mar 19, 2023A Tale of Two Men (Romans 5:12-21)
Mar 19, 2023A Tale of Two Men (Romans 5:12-21)Paul takes his readers through a compare and contrast scenario. He looks back at Genesis 3 and reveals that in Adam we were all subject to the ravages of sin that mars and destroys everything, and leads to death. But in contrast to Adam is Christ whose righteous act of dying on the cross has opened the door for all to receive God's grace and be declared righteous in God's sight.
- Mar 12, 2023True Peace (Romans 5:1-11)
Mar 12, 2023True Peace (Romans 5:1-11)We all have different ideas when we think of the concept of peace. Often it accompanies the ideas of contentment or having all our material and relational needs met. In this passage, Paul outlines what it means to have peace with God. As we examine this passage may we each desire to have peace with God. We will discover it is the foundation of a purposeful daily life.
- Mar 5, 2023No Earning Power (Romans 4:9-25)
Mar 5, 2023No Earning Power (Romans 4:9-25)Bridging the gap between Jew and Gentile, the Apostle Paul shows us that we cannot somehow earn our way into God's favor. He uses Abraham as his example who was put in an impossible situation and saw God come through in ways he could not have imagined. We have no earning power with God. We only have our faith.
- Feb 26, 2023Trust In The Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Feb 26, 2023Trust In The Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6)Series: Other VoicesProverbs 3:5-6 are some of the most widely known verses in the Christian world, but it is possible, that in its familiarity we’ve misunderstood the difference between trust as belief and trust as faith. This sermon explores a biblical approach to trusting God with an eternal perspective in a complicated world.
- Feb 19, 2023The Power of Siimple Belief (Romans 3:27-4:8)
Feb 19, 2023The Power of Siimple Belief (Romans 3:27-4:8)When God levels the playing field no one has the greater advantage. God is the God of all. He is not a God who plays favorites. We are introduced to the fact that the path to a relationship with God is found in believing God as he has revealed himself to us. There is power in simple belief.
- Feb 12, 2023Only One Place To Turn (Romans 3.9-26)
Feb 12, 2023Only One Place To Turn (Romans 3.9-26)Paul reveals to his friends in Rome that in and of ourselves all of us, regardless of our heritage, backgound, good deeds, or religious rituals are not enough to earn God's righteousness. So God makes it possible for us.
- Feb 5, 2023The Folly of Being Religious
Feb 5, 2023The Folly of Being ReligiousIn this section, Paul continues his critique of the Jewish believers; the "spiritually privileged." He reveals to them, and to us, the fact that religious knowledge, rituals, and practices are empty if they are not turning our hearts to Christ. If my behaviors are not the result of deep heart change, then they are just empty actions.
- Jan 29, 2023Fault Lines (Romans 2:1-16)
Jan 29, 2023Fault Lines (Romans 2:1-16)It is easy to point out the faults and failures of others. We see those very clearly. But it is more beneficial to consider our own faults. God is a God who holds us all to a high standard and he will call us all to a divine review of our lives. We are reminded that it is best to self evaluate and change as opposed to just pointing out the faults of those around us.
- Jan 22, 2023No One Gets A Pass (Romans 1:18-32)
Jan 22, 2023No One Gets A Pass (Romans 1:18-32)The problem with sin is that it infects and destroys everyone and everything. In a very hard and disturbing section, Paul points out that humanity has constantly been moving away from God and his righteousness. While some may want to highlight specific verses, the fact is all are guilty of sin and there are no levels of importance to sin. Sin is sin, and God must deal with it. One way he chooses to deal with it is to sometimes allow humans to have what they think they want.
- Jan 15, 2023We all need gospel all the time (Romans 1:1-17)
Jan 15, 2023We all need gospel all the time (Romans 1:1-17)Paul loved the Roman church and wanted to spend time with them. He wanted them to know how much we all need "gospel." Needing gospel is more than just the basic news of Jesus dying for our sins, it is the life after that initial belief. We all need to discover, daily, how to live out the faith that we claim to have as a result of the good news of Jesus.
- Jan 8, 2023Beginning at the End (Romans 16)
Jan 8, 2023Beginning at the End (Romans 16)It seems odd to begin at the end. It is the stuff of “spoilers.” Ancient letters listed their greetings at the end of the letter. Following the advice of one New Testament scholar, we begin our study of Romans by looking at the people to whom the letter was written. Having descriptions of real people in mind will help us think about this letter in terms of a practical theology. So, in this sermon, we begin at the end
- Dec 18, 2022Come Home to Love (1 John 4:7-21)
Dec 18, 2022Come Home to Love (1 John 4:7-21)Series: Advent 2022 - Come HomeWhy do we give gifts? Hopefully, it is one way to express our love for one another. In fact, a gift given for any other motivation is not really a gift at all. Home is supposed to be that place of acceptance and love. We discover at this time of year that God loved us and gave to us before we even asked. God initiated his love for us. When we come home to Jesus we come home to perfect love and we have nothing to fear.