Oct 16, 2022
Recheck Your Priorities (The Prophecy of Haggai)
Series: God's Heart...Our Heart

- Oct 16, 2022Recheck Your Priorities (The Prophecy of Haggai)
Oct 16, 2022Recheck Your Priorities (The Prophecy of Haggai)Series: God's Heart...Our Heart
What would cause you to reprioritize your life, or your habits? What makes you rethink your circumstances? It seems that it often takes some sort of close call, or some kind of disaster to often make us evaluate what is really important. The challenges from Haggai, to God’s people who had returned to the land will help us take a good look at our own priorities and see where we may need to come back in line with God's standards.
- Oct 9, 2022Responding to God’s Warning (The prophecy of Zephaniah)
Oct 9, 2022Responding to God’s Warning (The prophecy of Zephaniah)Series: God's Heart...Our Heart
Tornado warnings. Hurricane warnings. Flood warnings. People respond differently. Some head for shelter, evacuate, or find the high ground. Others determine that they will “ride it out.” Natural disasters are no respecters of people, and the results of not heeding the warnings are tragic. God repeatedly warns his people that he will deal with their sins. Only those who respond in humble repentance are spared.
- Oct 2, 2022When Nothing Seems To Make Sense (Habakkuk)
Oct 2, 2022When Nothing Seems To Make Sense (Habakkuk)Series: God's Heart...Our Heart
If you have ever wondered if God knows what he is doing this prophet is for you. If you have ever questioned God, this prophet is for you. Habakkuk, has trouble with God's plan but in the end, he trusts God more than he trusts his circumstances. It is a lesson for us all..
- Sep 25, 2022“No Middle Ground” (Nahum)
Sep 25, 2022“No Middle Ground” (Nahum)Series: God's Heart...Our Heart
God does not play games. God does not just give suggestions. When we last saw the Ninevites they had repented from their sin. God relented from his judgement of them. Unfortunately for the Ninevites, their revival did not last. Roughly, 100 years later they were as sinful and warmongering as ever. Nahum is God’s prophet to call them out. But before we gloat over the failure of Nineveh, we need to look in the mirror and ask, “Is my own commitment to God a growing daily reality?”
- Sep 18, 2022There is Hope (Micah 6:9-7:20)
Sep 18, 2022There is Hope (Micah 6:9-7:20)Series: God's Heart...Our Heart
Even though he is fully aware of our faults and failures, God still offers us hope. Our hope is in the God who knows the beginning from the end. We can't even know what this afternoon holds. Our hope is in a God who promises to forgive as we come to him in humility.
- Sep 11, 2022The Power of Humility (Micah 5:1-6:8)
Sep 11, 2022The Power of Humility (Micah 5:1-6:8)Series: God's Heart...Our Heart
The culture in which we live celebrates those who are confident. We celebrate those who dream and dream and then achieve it. But there is another quality that is to be celebrated but is often overlooked. There is a unique power to humility. When we are humble we rely on God for success. We depend on God and not our own wits. We treat others with dignity and respect. We are able to see how God has been working in us. God calls us to live humbly and trust him to recognize our work.
- Sep 4, 2022It’s About Leadership (Micah 3:1-4:5)
Sep 4, 2022It’s About Leadership (Micah 3:1-4:5)Series: God's Heart...Our Heart
As the leaders go, so goes the group, be it a nation, or a community, or a church, or a family. Micah calls the leaders from the political, spiritual, and judicial realm to account. They were supposed to point people to God and lead by following God. But instead they had determined that personal power was more satisfying than servant leadership. We are all leaders of someone and God expects us to lead properly.
- Aug 28, 2022Hold the Rope (Galatians; Philippians 3)
Aug 28, 2022Hold the Rope (Galatians; Philippians 3)By: Jim GruenwaldSeries: Other Voices
Accountability is a two way street. We work together to hold one another accountable for following Jesus. However, we need to also take care of our own soul and see to it that we hold ourselves accountable for following Jesus as well. Philippians 3 reminds us of our responsibility for individual accountability. Galatians 6 points to our responsibility for being accountable in the community. Both are needed to live a godly life.
- Aug 21, 2022Freedom to Change (Micah 1-2)
Aug 21, 2022Freedom to Change (Micah 1-2)Series: God's Heart...Our Heart
The Prophet Micah had seen a great deal throughout his life. He had seen his nation, Judah go from a power house to a vassal of Assyria to a nation that successfully rebelled against the Assyrians. And yet in their relative freedom they had yet to come fully around to following God. Freedom for those who follow God is not doing anything they want; it is the freedom to change and learn to be more like God. Judah did not learn this lesson in Micah’s time.
- Aug 14, 2022Human Anger v. Divine Compassion (Jonah 3-4)
Aug 14, 2022Human Anger v. Divine Compassion (Jonah 3-4)Series: God's Heart...Our Heart
It is one thing to obey. It is another thing to obey with a right heart. Jonah reveals his true heart. He really wanted God to zap the Ninevites. They were a war mongering enemy who deserved punishment not compassion. In a living word picture God reveals to Jonah the depth of divine compassion, grace, and sovereignty
- Aug 7, 2022In the brine but not yet pickled (Jonah 1:17-3:3)
Aug 7, 2022In the brine but not yet pickled (Jonah 1:17-3:3)Series: God's Heart...Our Heart
Sometimes we think we have gone too far astray and that we are not useful to God any longer. Jonah had to be thinking that all along. But he does the one thing we all can do, he prays. And the lesson he learns is that God is always there and always willing to give another chance.
- Jul 31, 2022You can run but you can’t hide (Jonah 1)
Jul 31, 2022You can run but you can’t hide (Jonah 1)Series: God's Heart...Our Heart
Jonah is the one minor prophet most know about. That is because of the story of the great fish. But there is more to Jonah than a Fish Story. We will learn about God and his relentless pursuit of us, his grace to save us from ourselves, and his willingness to let us think we can make life work on our own. Until we can’t.
- Jul 24, 2022The Foolishness of Pride (Obadiah)
Jul 24, 2022The Foolishness of Pride (Obadiah)Series: God's Heart...Our Heart
In this shortest book of the Old Testament, God uses the prophet Obadiah to reveal his heart regarding pride. The nation of Edom is object of this prophecy. Although this nation traced its ancestry to Esau, the brother of Jacob that is where their kinship seemed to end. Their pride and animosity toward the descendants of Jacob became their down fall. We will examine how pride destroys we will also learn how to defeat pride in our own lives.
- Jul 17, 2022Misconceptions About God (Amos 7-9)
Jul 17, 2022Misconceptions About God (Amos 7-9)Series: God's Heart...Our Heart
In a survey of the final two chapter of the prophecy of Amos we will discover four misconceptions about God that seemed to be circulating 2800 years ago. What we will discover is that in 2022, these same misconceptions are still out there. But what we can learn for our own lives is the true balance of our God. He is Holy and Righteous and yet Gracious and Forgiving. He is a God of Justice and also a God of Lovingkindness. When we refuse to exchange the truth of God for the misconceptions of our culture, we find God being enough for us day in and day out.
- Jul 10, 2022Words of Caution (Amos 5:18-6:14)
Jul 10, 2022Words of Caution (Amos 5:18-6:14)Series: God's Heart...Our Heart
Sometimes we think we have come to the point where we can handle whatever comes our way. Amos continually warns the people to beware of their external worship and complacent hearts. God deals with pride, privilege, and injustice severely. We also need a reminder to not think that because things are going well in our lives we don't need to stay committed to God.